Jason Tribbeck's EquinoxKeysUse:
I want to make the keys configurable at a later stage for foreign keyboards. Starting the gameYou will be presented with the above starting screen - the text will scroll upwards, and goes on for a bit before repeating. Press fire to continue past this. Main game menuThe main game menu (currently) looks like:
Menu options
Pressing Space will select the top most option, with "'" and "/" being used to scroll up and down. Playing the gameWhen you select play, you will be able to decide what level you want to play from those that are available. This is very similar to the Map menu option, except you cannot select what level to play from the map. Each of the levels in the grid has a key:
I may introduce another level with a key on it - you will need to complete a particular level in order to go on to this level. This will probably be in the opposite area of the map... Actually playing the gameOnce you've selected the level you want to play, you will be brought to the main game screen: You are in the centre of the screen, and the top of the screen contains useful information (from left to right):
Underneath these are your long range scanner (to the left) and your short range scanner (to the right). EnergyCentral to your ship's well-being is the energy - if this goes to zero (or below), then you will have to restart the level (currently not implemented). Your energy will rebuild - the rate at which it rebuilds depends on how many energy recharge units you have - the more you have, the quicker it will recharge. Energy is used whenever you hit an object, or fire your weapons. WeaponsWeapons have two requirements:
If your weapons are too hot, they cannot fire. Likewise, if you do not have enough energy, then you will not be able to fire. MovementIf you turn, the maximum speed depends on the angular cooling system level. The more cooling you have, the higher your maximum turn rate can be. The acceleration (and deceleration) of your turn depends on the angular acceleration level. The more you have, the sooner you will reach the maximum. Likewise, the linear cooling and acceleration systems controls the maximum and acceleration for the forwards and backwards direction. Generally, the higher values you have, the better the manoeverability is - however, you don't want to make it too fast, nor uncontrollable, so it's a balancing act between each of these items. Shooting somethingWhenever you shoot something, you will see an explosion where your weapon hit it. If the object you shot has run out of energy, then it will explode and produce a credit. This looks like a spinning 'C'. You will need to run these over in your ship in order to collect - note that they have a limited life span and will detonate if they have not been collected in time. Ending the levelThe level will be completed when you have shot everything that needs to be shot. When this has happened, you will see a message on the screen - in order to finally finish the level, you will need to go through the vortex to take you back to the main menu. Simply run over the vortex to do this. Note that it's a good idea to collect any credits left for maximum cash (if you collect all on a level, you'll get an extra bonus). -- Copyright © Jason Tribbeck 1994, 2002-2004 -- |