Pulse gun
The pulse gun is a fairly simple weapon that fires a short burst of energy. It is quick to recharge, but is not very powerful. One is fitted to your ship as standard.
Ion cannon
The Ion cannon delivers a slight bigger punch than the pulse gun. It is slightly slower to recharge than the pulse gun, and uses more energy.
Missile launcher
Missiles are fairly powerful weapons, but slow to start off and reload.
Seeker launcher
Seeker missiles are very powerful, and will look for the nearest enemy to you. They are fairly slow to reload, but have a reasonably long life span.
Mine layer
Mines are the most powerful weapon, and can be used to evade enemies that are following you. They have a short life span.
Weapons cooling system
Whenever weapons are fired, heat is produced which must be removed. Upgrading your weapons cooling system will allow you to fire for longer without your weapons overheating.
Move weapon
If you need to move a weapon, you can spend some credits getting it moved. This is a lot cheaper than selling and buying the same weapon in order to move it.
Sell weapon
If your current weapon is not good enough, you can sell it and buy a different weapon. You will get half the cost of a new weapon for your old one.
Low-yield energy bomb
Activating a low-yield energy bomb causes damage to all enemy ships in your vicinity. Once used, it is exhausted, and a new one must be purchased. Note that you can only carry one low-yield energy bomb.
High-yield energy bomb
Similar to a low-yield energy bomb, this causes more damage to all enemy ships in your vicinity. Once used, it is exhausted, and a new one must be purchased. Note that you can only carry one high-yield energy bomb.
Return to shop menu
Selecting this will return you to the shop menu.
Note that if you select to buy, move or sell a weapon, then you will be taken to the weapon location menu